Friday, November 8, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween this year was so much fun!! 

On Wednesday night our church had its annual Fall Festival and Hayride. The weather was perfect!!

Preston and his Mimmie


Makes my Heart :)

*I wasn't able to get any pictures of Peyton, he was to busy playing with his friends.*

Halloween was wonderful, I was able to take the boys to two different places to Trunk or Treat. Normally we go to a neighborhood, but this year we were wore out from baseball and wanted to have a simple night.


Captain America and Baseball Player 

Lastly, We CARVED PUMPKINS!!!!  This was so much fun, we just let the boys do whatever they wanted with a little help of course!!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Is It Really October??

Hi Everyone I wanted to update our family blog with some recent pictures from Summer. Today really feels like October, its cool , windy, and wet outside.

Summer Fun.......

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We Celebrated Easter this year by going to church and then to my grandparents for lunch.

We had a wonderful day together.

Where Have I Been????

I Can't believe it's been so long since I last BLOGGED!!!!

I have lots of updates on our family and house.

Adam and I have been so busy working in the yard laying sod and starting the landscaping. I have been busy hanging pictures and making curtains.
Adam and I spent all day on a Friday laying sod and planting shrubs.
We are trying to figure out what we want to use as a walkway.

I made this chevron curtain for the bonus room, we still need to get a blind for this window.

I made this curtain for the laundry room. We have also hung two cabinets in here.

I have to share a few pictures from Valentines.


My Beautiful Flowers

Peyton has turned 8 and is playing his 2nd year of coaches pitch.

Preston has turned 4 and is playing his 1st year of t-ball. We did things a little different this year for Preston's Birthday we had a small Party and invited Grandparents. Then on his actual Birthday we went to Charleston for the Day. It was freezing.