Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I still haven't taken any more pictures, I promise I will soon. This month has been very busy, I have been shopping and decorating the house. I finally have my beautiful dining room set, my parents got it from my friend Liz, it is a beautiful antique born March 1923. Awesome!!  Plus we finally had blinds installed today.

Onto a much heavier note please pray for my brother in law Oliver, he was in a head on collision last Wednesday night. He lost his left eye, crushed  left side of his face, broke his left femur, and broke his left foot.  He had surgery yesterday to repair his face and tomorrow to put a plate in his leg. Hopefully he will come home Thursday.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Our New Home

I am so excited to share........ We finally moved into our new home 2 weeks ago and life has been crazy ever since. The weekend we moved in, I wasn't feeling well and just knew I was sick, finally on Monday I went to the dr, sure enough Bronchitis and Sinus Infection!  It took me several days of antibiotics to feel like myself again. I haven't taken any pictures yet. I have been busy unpacking and organizing everything. I will def share with everyone as soon as we get settled.
We are loving the new house, WOW, we have alot of room, I can't wait to get it decorated. The boys have to much room to play and plunder! Ha!! They are loving it!!!

Thank you lord for all the amazing blessings you have given us over the years, each other, 2 healthy handsome little boys and an amzing new home.

                                                              ~ Candice

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine apon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you." Numbers 6:24 - 26

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1st Day of School!!!

I know I'm alittle behind, but I still wanted to share pictures of Peyton's 1st Day of 2nd grade and Preston's 1st Day of MMO.

Peyton's 1st Day of 2nd Grade

Peyton and Preston
Preston on his 1st Day of MMO!! He was so excited to go back to "school".
 This will be his 2nd year.

Day 120

I have lots of pictures to share with you. We are so excited and can't wait to spend many many years in our beautiful new home. 




Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Days 110 ~ 115

It's Almost Finished!!! One more week!!!
View from the kitchen into the dining room.
View from the kitchen into the Greatroom.
Dining Room
Great room ceiling
Great room

Boys Bathroom

Laundry Room
Peyton's Bedroom
Bonus Room



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Days 95 ~ 110

Fireplace before the trim was painted
Day that the kitchen cabinets were installed

Laundry room

Bonus Room

Masterbed Room

 Office doors, before they were painted

Kitchen Cabinets with the Granite Countertops
Boys Bathroom Cabinet and Granite Countertop
Masterbath Cabinet and granite countertop
Back of the house with cement for garage and parking pad poored

Back of the house



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Days 86 ~ 94

We are getting close!!!! I can't wait, Except for the packing part!!!!

This week they have done the final grading, installed the septic system, delivered and installed most of the cabinets, almost finished the sheet rock, and the electrical is finished. I can't wait:) Only 25 more days.

Purple Martins at Lake Murray

We were invited by Liz's friends, The Taylor Family, we set out to see the Purple Martins. What an AWESOME EXPERIENCE!!!