Friday, June 22, 2012

Days 32 thru 34

They finally started the "Building Process" on Monday!!
We were so excited to see this on Monday afternoon.

Temporary Electricity

This is what we saw on Thursday afternoon.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Baseball 2012

The Orioles played their last game and had the End of the Season Party on Thursday May 31st, They played their best game. They finished the season with only 1 win.

Peyton up to bat!!

Peyton Catching

End of the Season Party

Coach Michael, Mr Jack, and Adam

Peyton and Aiden

We ended the year with great memories!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day

Fishing and Swimming

Bradyn teaching Peyton how to get his fish off the hook,
what big cousins are made for.

Daddy and Preston catching fish.

Preston loves to let the fish bit his finger.

Preston cheezin for the camera.

Silly Boys!!

We had a great time fishing in Mr Grady's Pond and swimming in Papa and Grandma's Pool!!