Monday, January 7, 2013

~Merry Christmas & Happy New Year~

I have many pictures to share. I'm going to start with a few from our Christmas.. I know it has been a while since I last blogged, I thought my camera was broken, wrong I just needed some new rechargable batteries and my iphone camera was broken, I finally got a new iphone over the holidays and now I am ready to share!!!  I hope everyone who reads my blog had a Merry Christmas and a great start to 2013!!! I am looking forward to 2013!! Over the last several months we have been so busy that I have not had a chance to get "everything" decorated like I wanted too, Now that the holidays are over I am ready to take on many new projects!! I can't wait to share!!!!!!

Peyton and our doggie Spud McKenzie
Peyton, Santa, and Preston
We had a wonderful time visiting Riverbanks Zoo & Lights,
 & visiting Santa on a warm December night.

Family Night at Saluda Shoals, so much fun!!!!

 Roasting marshmellows with Daddy at Saluda Shoals!!!

Adam and I on Christmas Eve, I had to share this for fun:)

Dylan, Peyton, and Kale at Little Bethlehem in Gilbert,
another wonderful Christmas memory this year!!!

Preston being silly