Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We Celebrated Easter this year by going to church and then to my grandparents for lunch.

We had a wonderful day together.

Where Have I Been????

I Can't believe it's been so long since I last BLOGGED!!!!

I have lots of updates on our family and house.

Adam and I have been so busy working in the yard laying sod and starting the landscaping. I have been busy hanging pictures and making curtains.
Adam and I spent all day on a Friday laying sod and planting shrubs.
We are trying to figure out what we want to use as a walkway.

I made this chevron curtain for the bonus room, we still need to get a blind for this window.

I made this curtain for the laundry room. We have also hung two cabinets in here.

I have to share a few pictures from Valentines.


My Beautiful Flowers

Peyton has turned 8 and is playing his 2nd year of coaches pitch.

Preston has turned 4 and is playing his 1st year of t-ball. We did things a little different this year for Preston's Birthday we had a small Party and invited Grandparents. Then on his actual Birthday we went to Charleston for the Day. It was freezing.