Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beach 2012

Hilton Head has become one of our family's favorite places to visit.

Preston trying out his new googles and snorkle

Peyton playing in the ocean

Peyton swimming


Preston and Peyton playing together

My three Men

Got to love this hinnie

Preston Playing in the sand.

Only My Boys would crash the Dolphin sandcastle!!
Looks on their faces was priceless.

What an awesome Doggie Sandcastle.

Trying to get Preston to smile

One of my favorite pictures of me and Preston

Watermelon Kisses

My boys love some watermelon

Our family photo from our little beach trip.
Whats so funny is we got dressed up each nite for dinner, but I never managed to get a picture of us. Oh well we made great memories and had a blast:) I can't wait til next year!!!!!!

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